Urban Revitalization

Due to the projected growth along Broadway in the City of Alamo Heights, IBC Bank elected to upgrade their existing branch bank location. The project’s main objectives include consolidating their existing branch location to maximize business operations and to provide more street exposure along Broadway. As a result, the new design proposes constructing a new 3,000 sq. ft. Insulated Concrete Forms (ICF) structure with an attached drive-thru where the previously existing detached drive-thru structure was located.

Project challenges include a tight job-site and phasing the project so the existing branch bank can remain open during the majority of construction. The use of AMVIC ICF Blocks to serve as both the building envelope and structure had significantly simplified the construction process and made it feasible to complete this project within the tight constraints of the job site. The lobby was enhanced with incorporation of natural daylighting and modern corner windows that take advantage of the views along the broadway corridor. The elegant and unique corner windows were effortlessly made possible by the use of cantilevered icf walls and demonstrate the potential design possibilities enabled by the use of ICF that would be typically complicated to achieve using other methods of construction utilized in the industry today.

ICF Construction Team:

  • ICF Architect: Architectura SA
  • ICF Engineer: R-S-C-R, Inc.
  • ICF Installer: ICF Constructors, LLC
  • ICF Form Distributor: Amvic Direct
  • ICF System: Amvic

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